Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambdas eat ivy. .p30 This Long Message is Probably Too Big to Fit on the Screen .p9 ( so read the fine print ) .p24 QTC keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'... .p9 ...into the future .p30 QuickTime™ Conferencing .p24 .p9 “bringing the best of System 6 APIs into System 7” .p30 These Unimportant Messages .p18 brought to you by .p24 .p9 ( somebody please stop the madness! ) .p30 Strong Words of Encouragement .p24 by ramiro Two-Minutes calvo .p9 ( may his ulcer rest in pieces ) .p26 Animals, Vegetables, Scooching, and Patching .p24 by guy Enigma riddle .p9 ( wanted: his secret sources. i.e. the stuff with comments and sensible names. ) .p30 Invisible Mutant Bugs Delay()ed .p24 by murali FireFighter ranganathan .p9 ( while drawing lines in the ash ) .p30 All Those Colorful Bits .p24 by brian The-Pundit cox .p9 ( between football games and drumming, of course ) .p26 Haccessorizing, Spillage, and Scrambled Eggs .p24 by j Knife-the-Mac geagan .p9 ( note: display code for these messages written entirely during particularly boring meetings ) .p26 French Fsball and Autodisfiguration .p24 by sylvain Duck-on-the-Shoulder rouzé .p9 ( now he is the master of only evil ) .p30 Whistles, Bells, Wow, and Flutter .p24 by andy Knife-in-the-Back grignon .p9 ( with lotsa help from dulce ) .p30 Bells, Whistles, and Accessories .p24 by eddie kelly .p9 ( with no help at all! ) .p48 QTπ .p24 by anne NMI jones .p9 ( with help from a gaggle of stuffed animals ) This is a test. It is only a test. .p9 If this were an actual secret about box, we would have been notified to remove it. .p48 the OLD credits! .p72 and now... .p72 ...there's MORE! .p72 but wait... .r500 .p36 Coming Soon: QTC for Newton .r500 .p36 “Keep your peckers up.” .r500 .p36 Have you found ALL of the eggs in this product? Really? .r500 .p36 “Mr. Grignon, your code is ready.” .r500 .p36 Facilities: we still have one of your couches! .r500 .p36 When will LCD play again? .r500 .p36 What? No cable TV in the new offices? .r500 .p36 “Watching sausage being made.” .r500 .p36 “That’s what she said.” .r500 .p36 Facilities: can somebody please remove these damn cubes now?!? .r500 .p36 We were there when the comeback came back. .r500 .p36 How about that bonerdog? .r500 .p36 (Flip made me do this) .r500 .p36 Hey Ramiro! .p24 2.0 DID ship BEFORE 1.5.8! .r500 .p90 Just SHIP IT! .r500 .p80 No More Bugs! .r500 .p66 From D to GM in 24 Hours! .r500 .p99 3MTA3 .p24 Will the last person working on QTC please turn off the lights on the way out? .p24 Farewell, Becky .p24 Farewell, Suzanne .p24 Farewell, Eric .p24 Farewell, Dean .p24 Farewell, Dulce .p24 Farewell, Max .p24 Farewell, Jeff .p24 Farewell, Steve .p24 Farewell, Ramiro .p24 Farewell, Danese .p24 Farewell, Lan .p24 Farewell, Guy .p24 Farewell, Murali .p24 Farewell, Brian .p24 Farewell, AB .r500 .p99 // NO .r500 .p80 No More… .p30 if (true) {…} else if (!true) {…} else Uhh… what to do? what to do? .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Why Spiderpot? .r500 .p80 No More… .p30 “Fifty Dollars Handsets” in the plants .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 long johns; .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 return 5; .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Trilogy instead of meetings! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 H.32x! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 FruityPi and FruitCake .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 1000 simultaneous users at 30 fps. Over LocalTalk. .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Ignoring the first NULL event! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Shiftybits! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Crapeteria .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 // FIXME: heinous hackaround! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 FooScam .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 SMRP .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Grahdahwahaww .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Outrageous French accents! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Ducks on the shoulder .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 34¢ for a coke?! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 area 51 .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 cosmic bowling .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 mysteriously failed SCM builds .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 ETO 13 .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Being victimized .r500 .p80 No More… .p36 “Hi. .p30 Welcome to QuickTime Conferencing.” .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Larissa .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 70 dollar cigar lighters .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 strange QTC promo videos .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Defer to next version .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Cactus Cam .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Bad Juju! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Free Wednesday lunches .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Taco Bell Toys .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Stuffed animals .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Greener pastures .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Rumors & Equipment .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 HumBug .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Foosball master champions of the universe. .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 cabbage re-entrancy problems .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 friends and family testers .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 ’oopers & ’obees .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 wimp bullsh*t .r500 .p80 No More… .p30 eating slices of W****Bread in a minute .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 magic numbers .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 vdig bugs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 PPP bugs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Guide bugs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 QT bugs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 OT bugs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Bay Leaf Water .r500 .p80 No More… .p24 “1227825 QTC Manager has no off switch” .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 BwiboFwankingschtein .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Fwankingschtein .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 $250 jackets .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 stealing the furniture .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 drums .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 23 hour workdays .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Baywatching .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Madonna videos .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Holodeck .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Ringing Purses .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Vegetarians .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Midnight calls from Eric .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Poison mushrooms .r500 .p80 No More… .p40 Beeeoowweeeeowweeeoo .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Keven Eleven .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Planning for Maxwell .r500 .p80 No More… .p99 Foos? Foos? .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 R&D 1 4th .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Inside MovieTalk™ .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 ARL .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 QTC garden of death .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 “I know a shortcut” .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Shriveled Pumpkin .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 de-scooching .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Lasertag .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Haccessories! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Underwater codecs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Juice Club runs .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Goochey Chickens .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 MTBrowserDontBrowse()! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Sour Cream Ejector! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Giant Pink Snakes! .r500 .p80 No More… .p50 Elroy .p30 Farewell, QTC .r500 .p20 Special thanks to the servers at the Outback .r500 .p24 Beware of Frenchmen bearing new underwear! .r500 .p36 Annelicious is a crunchy snack .p50 and the other Dave .p50 and Danese .p50 and Dave .p50 Jay .p50 Brian .p50 Sylvain .p50 Murali .p50 anne .p50 Kevin .p50 Andy .p50 Damien .p50 Ringo? .p50 Paul .p50 Eddie .p90 ChibiChibiQTπ .p50 2.0 brought to you by This is a test. It is only a test. .p9 If this were an actual secret about box, we would have been notified to remove it.